Video: “Creative Industries – undisciplined research?” roundtable

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This topic was the focus of a meeting in Nantes on 21 September 2016, organised by RFI Ouest Industries Créatives and attended by almost 80 local researchers and lecturers in art, design, architecture, digital sciences and human and social sciences.

What scientific research is carried out in the creative industries field? Are these disciplines the single focus of research (particularly human and social sciences) or can they form a part of research through the creative disciplines? Can design and fine arts contribute new understanding and methodologies, structured around project-based approaches, to scientific research? Where does scientific research fit into the inherently interdisciplinary nature of these subjects?

This topic is central to current challenges in schools of art and design and to relationships in the world of academia. It also raises broader questions about the place of projects in scientific research, the institutional framework around interdisciplinary approaches and the involvement of the socio-economic world in research.


Avec :


  • Emmanuel Mahé: Head of research at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs;
  • Dominique Sagot-Duvauroux: Professor at the ’Université d’Angers, specialist in cultural economy matters;
  • Hugues Vinet: Scientific Director at IRCAM (Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique, Musique);
  • Jehanne Dautrey: Researcher and Professor of Philosophy and Aesthetics at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Art et de Design, Nancy;
  • Carola Moujan: Designer and lecturer at the Ecole supérieure des Beaux-Arts d’Angers;
  • Facilitated by Lucile Colombain, RFI OIC Operational Director.