WCI Emergency Fund: Support for the Co-llectif.fr project developed by students

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Higher Education

Faced with the COVID-19 health crisis and associated lockdown, three students from Nantes launched Co-llectif, a website allowing volunteers to run essential errands for those who cannot.


The project is supported by the West Creative Industries programme as part of its Covid-19 Solutions emergency fund. As such, it benefits from financial support for the implementation of the online platform, as well as support through the mobilization of legal, social and technical expertise and networking with regional actors able to relay the initiative.

Co-llectif is a platform designed to bring together volunteers and people who need help with their shopping. Aimed at medical or associated staff, people at risk and those over 60 years of age, the service is offered free of charge.


The idea was born from the collaboration of three students from Nantes who wanted to use the lockdown period to “help in their own way”. Together, Léa Genais, a third-year student on the UX/UI design course at the École de Design Nantes Atlantique, Maxence Dominici and Étienne Lécrivain, third-year students at Polytech Nantes reading computer science, designed and deployed the website remotely in just a few days. Two other students helped them: Ulysse Guyon, a fourth-year student at Polytech Nantes reading computer science, and Alan Le Grand a third-year software engineering student at the IMT Atlantique engineering school.


The students are preparing their platform for widespread deployment, supported by a national communication campaign.





Under the emergency fund, this project has received a subsidy from the Regional Council and Nantes Métropole within the framework of the West Creative Industries programme.

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