Space design, landscape & lifestyle - Health & well-living
Interdisciplinary Innovation Platform – “Patient Experience Evaluation Lab”
Health is one of the fields most impacted by transitions, particularly digital ones. The central objective of the Patient Experience ...
Space design, landscape & lifestyle - Smart and creative city - Health & well-living
Interdisciplinary Innovation Platform (IIP) – Inclusive Shared Housing Experience (HIP XP)
At the heart of major societal transitions, housing is the focus of many challenges, including that of inclusion and citizen ...
Interdisciplinary Innovation Platform (IIP) – Artificial Intelligence & Acceptability (AI&A)
Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the main drivers of the digital transition impacting a large number of fields of ...
Userlab XP LAB (Hall 6 West, University of Nantes)
The Experience Lab (XP-LAB) in Hall 6 West is a Userlab whose objective is to bring together skills and hardware ...
DPU : Distributed Pedagogical UserLab – Le Mans University
The Distributed Pedagogical UserLab has the particularity of being a space distributed over two distant sites (Laval and Le Mans), ...
Userlab P2AC – Angevine Platform for Behavior Analysis (University of Angers)
The Angevine Platform for Behaviour Analysis (P2AC) is a Userlab supporting experiments in Human and Social Sciences (psychology, economics, marketing, ...