Research project : Initiation

Immersive ALL (Artists-Led Learning)

Media & image
Cultural economy, heritage & tourism

Immersive ALL aims to evaluate the effects of immersive artistic experiences on the critical detachment of participants and designers, particularly in the world of higher management education.


This seed project is the first step and a hypothesis test for the European Erasmus+ project “ALL: Artists-Led Learning” (eight European partners including Audencia Business School), which aims to assess the impact of artistic interventions on the engagement of higher education institutions within their local context. It will take place over the period 2019-2022.



Immersive ALL is co-funded by the Région Pays de la Loire (West Creative Industries), Audencia and the ESAD TALM Angers.


This project examines a recent and developing phenomenon: social actors, politicians, artists, researchers and the general public, driven by the desire to help local authorities meet societal challenges, are developing sensitive, “immersive” testing experiences that are designed to generate mobilization, empowerment and social innovation.


However, although many of these testing experiences are being conducted, the reality of their effects is still being discussed and they suffer from a lack of critical evaluation criteria. Moreover, the use of these techniques by disciplines such as experiential marketing risks exacerbating a race to hyperactivity and hyperconsumption, to the detriment of true reflexive and contemplative experiences (Carù and Cova, 2006). By convening art and design, which are naturally inclined to mobilize and engage on an emotional level, is it possible to contribute to developing a reflective and critical approach to the notion of experience, particularly in the educating of future designers and managers ?


Objectives and Methodology

The project lies at the intersection of the arts disciplines and management sciences. It consists of conducting a critical analysis of hybrid immersive experiences created by the project partners and assessing whether they foster critical engagement and reflection among higher education students. The “Immersive ALL” project questions more specifically the appropriation, by management and marketing, of the value of the experience.


Several phases and highlights are planned :

  • Collection and analysis of data for publications at the end of the European project on the effects of immersive artistic experiences on critical detachment among higher education students ;
  • Presentation and testing of the immersive experience(s) during a public event open to other researchers ;
  • Dissemination of the results in alternative forms to the traditional publication forms.



The results will be used within the framework of the European Erasmus+ project.



Duration : 15.5 months, from 15/10/2019 to 31/01/2021.



Philippe Mairesse – Associate Professor, Audencia



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