Experience design

research & experimentation

WCI is working to establish an interdisciplinary arts-sciences research hub, with visibility across Europe, to develop expertise in Experience Design and its scientific evaluation. This ambition will see a notable increase in the critical mass of researchers and doctoral students and lead to new interdisciplinary partnerships with laboratories and other stakeholders in the field of innovation. It is expected to have a significant leverage effect, nationally and at European level (including the ANR and Horizon 2020), to add an international dimension to the research.

Call for Research Projects

VISAMURB (AAU-Ecole Centrale de Nantes / L’École de design) - ©Maxime Spur

In 2016 and 2017, WCI sought and prioritised regional interdisciplinary projects based on novel collaborations between the worlds of science and design. Ten projects were selected after the annual calls for projects in 2016 and 2017. They can be viewed here.


From 2018 onwards, calls for research projects will be organised into two areas:

  • Basic research on experience design and its economic models (singular discipline and interdisciplinary).
  • Applied, hybrid interdisciplinary research (sciences-creative subjects) on the design of products, services, spaces and innovative technology.

Interdisciplinary scientific events

Les échos de la “Co” scientific day - ©Université de Nantes / WCI

Three regional research groups from creative and scientific disciplines meet regularly to explore the following subjects:


Virtual and augmented realities

To find out more contact  Carola Moujan and Toinon Vigier


Les Échos de la “Co” – design, creation & co

To find out more contact Lucile Colombain


Measuring the subjectivity of an experience

To find out more contact Elodie Jarrier and Patrick Le Callet


These scientific days foster mutual knowledge and act as a stimulus for developing interdisciplinary/inter-laboratory projects.

Call for Experimental Projects


In 2018 a call for Experimental projects will be launched to support the development of full-scale prototypes, tests and usage analysis. The call will target laboratories that could form partnerships with businesses.