- Areas of excellence
- COVID-19 Action Plan
- Innovating through experience to support transitions
- Areas of innovation
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- Legal notice
- Research & experimentation
- WCI actions
- Sitemap
- Partners & Governance
- OIC Homepage
- Contact
- Education
- Innovation
- Internationalisation
- SiMU
- Audencia
- Nantes University Hospital
- ENSA Nantes
- Centrale Nantes
- LS2N
- AAU – CRENAU team
- Sustainable Cities Design Lab
- Université d’Angers
- Region Pays de la Loire
- Creative Factory by SAMOA
- Stereolux, Arts & Technology Laboratory
- Care Design Lab
- Nantes Metropole
- Le Mans Université
- READi Design Lab
- Le Mans Métropole
- Feder
- Creative Factory
- Nantes Université
- Centrale Audencia ENSA Alliance
- Angers Métropole
- The Pays de la Loire Regional Agency (now called Solutions&co)
- L’École de design Nantes Atlantique
- Le Mans Créapolis
- Architecture/Interior Design module
- Module on devices for digital mediation
- Userlab P2AC – Angevine Platform for Behavior Analysis (University of Angers)
- iCreaTe – Interdisciplinarité CREAtion TEchnologie
- DPU : Distributed Pedagogical UserLab – Le Mans University
- Digital Arts/Sciences Module (NaN)
- Parulie-Parure module
- Userlab XP LAB (Hall 6 West, University of Nantes)
- Interdisciplinary Innovation Platform (IIP) – Artificial Intelligence & Acceptability (AI&A)
- Project: DEIP – Design Edible Insect Products
- Interdisciplinary Innovation Platform (IIP) – Inclusive Shared Housing Experience (HIP XP)
- HOMERIC – Hybridization of methOds for Modeling ExpeRIenCe in interactive systems
- Interdisciplinary Innovation Platform – “Patient Experience Evaluation Lab”
- Master’s degree in Digital Cultures
- #iWave module
- DNSEP/ Master Textiles, new materialities. Creation and Innovation
- Project Interactive design in sound design
- Design (and) Fiction Teaching Unit
- Bachelor’s degree in artistic creation and digital technologies
- Project The “Image-Place” – Art, Architecture, Cinema, Literature & Video Games
- Project Efficient Sound Coding – Perception of music and speech (cochlear implants)
- Project EXAN – Acquisition and consolidation of EXpertise in ANaesthesia
- Project: Immersive ALL (Artists-Led Learning)
- Project: CircumFictio – A “narrative grammar” of 360° immersive media
- Project Evaluating the Cultural Experience in Prison
- SOLID Module – Solidarity design
- CaDySiT – Capturing the dynamics and uniqueness of trajectories
- IDEA – Immersive Data Exploration and Analysis
- RESET – Networks, cultural scenes, technological scenes
- Patrimonialization of modern music
- XpliciT – Explanation of texts for a user
- AD LUX – Effects of light on consumer behaviour
- AmbiDYS – Textual ambiguities in dyslexia
- SHS_Créatifs
- CODESIGN – Approaches to co-design that involve residents and stakeholders in the development of accommodation for the elderly
- Emotive VR
- PREDICT – Evaluation of interactive cultural and tourism devices
- ROB’AUTISME – therapeutic accompaniment by means of robots
- More than urban (URBAPLUS)
- VESPACE – Virtual Early-modern Spectacles & Publics, Active Collaborative Environment
- VisAmUrb
Call for projects:
- The “Design Factory Nantes” University Diploma is back in session!
- EUniWell & WCI join forces with the Festival of the New European Bauhaus
- WCI supports three Interdisciplinary Innovation Programmes (IIPs)
- EXTENT, immersive technologies to help diagnosis
- Launch of the Interdisciplinary Innovation Programme “Inclusive Shared Housing Experience” (IIP HIP-XP)
- West Creative Industries is an official partner of the new European Bauhaus!
- [Call for applications] Submit your project for the New European Bauhaus Prize !
- [Video] Nantes Design Factory : prototype testing at the Congress Center
- Université de Nantes is the first French university to be awarded an Emmy!
- the adventure continues after the European hackathon #EUvsVirus
- WCI Emergency Fund: Support for the project developed by students
- WCI Emergency Fund: A Nantes-based project to provide protective visors
- Discover EXPE[Angers] 2019-20 prototypes (promoting the Apocalypse Tapestry)
- Discover the three winners of the EXPÉ[Nantes] Challenge
- EXPE[Le Mans] student challenge 2019-20 : real-life tests of sound design projects
- CIFRE thesis offer related to the UserLab of the University of Le Mans
- WCI supports three UserLab projects in the region
- EXPÉ[Angers] Challenge 2019-20 : Presentation of the prototypes
- A summer school of Hanyang University in the Pays de la Loire
- Third workshop on micro-architectures in rural towns
- Third workshop on micro-architectures in rural towns
- [VIDEO] IDEA research project – exploring data through virtual reality
- Second edition of the “Transforming teaching through creative methods” educational workshop
- [VIDEO] VESPACE project – immerse yourself in an 18th century theatre production
- Postdoctoral position in Immersive Analytics (Université de Nantes)
- From Seoul to the Pays de la Loire: a solid and promising international partnership
- Austin/Angers: a partnership accelerated by West Creative Industries
- Second workshop on transforming pedagogy with creative methods
- [VIDEO] Presentation from the RFI Ouest Industries Créatives research hub
- [VIDEO] Three projects selected after 2016 initial call for research projects
- [VIDEO] EMOTIVE VR: Imagining new cinematic experiences
- [VIDEO] AmbiDYS Research Project: Digital technology as a reading aid for Dyslexics
- [VIDEO] Autistic Disorders: Robot-assisted expression (Rob’Autisme research project)
- EXPÉ[NANTES] 2018-19: Improving the comfort and use of third places in Nantes
- EXPÉ[NANTES]: The “B9 – l’exploratoire” event
- EXPÉ[LE MANS] 2018-19: Creating a sound system promoting the historic city centre
- EXPÉ[LE MANS] 2018-19, sonorisation de la Cité Plantagenêt par les étudiants
- The Experience Factory: a WCI innovation day
- [VIDEO] AmbiDYS research project: Digital technologies as a reading aid for “Dys” audiences
- Call for research projects 2018: five projects supported
- Sponsor Expé[Nantes] and support the development of projects on third spaces
- Ouest Industries Créatives welcomes Seoul delegation
- Connect Talent: funding for international researchers in the Pays de Loire
- CIFRE thesis with Mazédia, GRANEM and Audencia
- New course in computational design and mechatronics at Le Mans
- iCreaTe: students produce 16 interactive installations – a successful challenge!
- [Nantes Digital Week] The Château des Ducs hosts an audiovisual dome for Scopitone
- VESPACE: a practical application for immersive virtual reality technology at the Opéra de Nantes
- Motion Motion: an away day for moving images professionals
- [VIDEO] 48 hours to transform pedagogy through design
- Call for education projects 2017-2018: eight new modules
- AR and VR Meet Creative Industries
- Call for research projects 2017: OIC funds five projects
- Call for thesis and postdoctoral research projects 2017
- [VIDEO] Three projects selected after 2016 initial call for research projects
- Video: “Creative Industries – undisciplined research?” roundtable
- Call for innovative initial education projects
- Call for research projects 2016